mbi Medical Ltd
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Healthcare & Medical
Not specified
Permanent | Full Time
Within the framework of Community Care legislation and professional guidance to undertake outcome focussed assessments and care management tasks in respect of older people and their carers. This work will be undertaken with access to regular supervision and advice. It will not require decisions in respect of the exercising of legal powers and duties leading to the loss of liberty of service users. To ensure that risks to service users and carers are identified and ensure they are managed within policy guidelines.
Design a package of services tailored to meet the assessed needs of individuals and carers, including the provision of aids to daily living, relating these to the policies and priorities of the Department and agreeing with the individual, the objectives of any intervention.
To negotiate the most appropriate ways of achieving the objectives identified and to liaise with other professionals and agencies involved in the provision of care for service users, incorporating them into an individual care plan. To ensure service users and carers as appropriate have copies of care plans and these actions are recorded appropriately.
To maintain close links and liaise with other staff of the Department, and other agencies e.g. Housing, Health and voluntary and independent sector staff to ensure an integrated service is considered at all times.
To oversee the monitoring, reviewing and reassessing of appropriate packages of care and refer back concerns about service provision (in-house and external) to enable appropriate action to be taken and to ensure the needs of the individual are being met. Contribute to reviewing, including multidisciplinary arrangements as required and prepare reports as necessary. To be responsible for agreeing variations of care packages within agreed parameters
To be aware of the different ethnic and cultural needs of the local population. To develop and deliver ethnically and culturally sensitive care packages, seeking advice as appropriate.
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